When shopping for your new Atlanta real estate, where do you go to find information about the best communities, deals and builders: word of mouth, friend of a friend, internet forums, and Google search? There are many ways to find out about a company, but what about going directly to the source?
Over the past 39 years, Traton Homes has built a reputation for giving metro Atlanta buyers Altogether More. To find out what some of the more than 6,000 homeowners think, visit the new Traton Homes Reviews site.
As part of Traton Homes commitment to providing buyers with peace of mind and quality assurance, the builder takes part in a third-p
arty review service through GuildQuality. You can find many of these reviews posted on the Traton Homes Reviews website. Now, buyers have a central location to gain an understanding about the homes and personal purchasing experiences of homeowners. For more information, prospective buyers can connect with the builder through their social media sites including the Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.
The quality home builder previously received GuildMaster Awards for exemplary quality and customer service in 2008, 2009 and 2010, and is a candidate for the 2011 GuildMaster Award.
Traton Homes builds new homes in communities across Cherokee, Cobb, Fulton, Forsyth and Paulding counties. To find your perfect home in a desirable location, visit the Traton Homes website to begin browsing the communities.