While there are reports of some markets improving, many Americans are still struggling with sticking to a
budget and looking everywhere for ways to save money. Thankfully, the Equifax Finance Blog continues to offer ways to make your money go farther in the new article, “
Saving Money by Living on Less.”
This article does a great job of reminding us of the importance of setting up a priority spending plan, which is a useful tool for determining where your money is going. Once that assessment is done, you can cut down on unnecessary expenses until you reach the core of your financial problems.
When you are left with your core, you may find things much more manageable. If you don’t, though, the article shows you that there are still more options for ways to fix problems, often by working with creditors rather than just stopping payment. When it comes to financial hardship, many creditors would much rather get something out of the agreement, so they are willing to offer lower interest rates, fees and monthly payments.
There are also options to address other financial woes, such as child care, medical care and prescription drug help. The full article explains more about these and additional ways to lessen the burden. Explore the article and more on the Equifax Finance Blog for expert
financial advice.