By now, Santa Claus has made his rounds and eager little children are bounding out of bed and downstairs to see what treasures lie beneath the Christmas tree. In a matter of minutes, wrapping paper shreds will litter the floor and squeals of delight will mingle with the beeps and whirs of toys just uncovered.
Those without little ones in the house will wake a bit later, to a leisurely brewed cup of coffee and a bite to eat. But soon they will dash to and from relatives’ homes, beautifully wrapped gifts precariously placed in the trunk of the car.
Others are out of town, celebrating with family, friends or enjoying a much-needed vacation.
We cannot forget our military servicemen and women, who are stationed far away from loved ones during this season of family and celebration. We recognize and appreciate the sacrifice these men, women and their families make for the rest of us.
Whether you celebrate with children or grandparents, at home or away, the staff at Atlanta Real Estate Forum would like to wish you a very merry Christmas.