What’s in store for your Atlanta real estate in 2011? If you’re planning to put your home on the market this year, then you are probably already planning the changes, updates and repairs you’ll make. But even if you plan to stay in your home another year, careful planning for your home could serve you well in the long run.
“How to Plan for Next Year’s Home Improvement Projects,” posted on the
Equifax Personal Finance Blog just before 2010 ended, offers tips for deciding on the best home improvement projects to undertake for your home. Real estate expert Ilyce Glink recommends listing the projects you hope to complete in 2011 and prioritizing them according to what you would most like to do. Then, determine the amount of money you expect to have available this year and the probable budget for each project.
If you realize you can accomplish numbers two, three and four on your list for the same price as number one, you may decide to skip the item you previously felt was more important. Or, you may keep number one where it is and wait until another year for your other items. Either way, you will have made realistic plans for both your home and your pocketbook.
If you think you’ll be selling your home in the near future, Glink recommends that you invest only in home improvements that will add value to your current home and save the other funds to invest in your future home instead.
How about you? Will the money you spend on your Atlanta home this year go toward repairs and maintenance only, or are you looking for some optional improvements, too?