Ever wonder why you’re the only person in your circle of friends who’s always prone to frivolous spending? Have you ever been called a shopaholic? If the answer is ‘yes’ to either of these questions, then you’ve probably given friends several excuses over the years to explain your over-spending. But really, how many “early birthday presents” and rewards for “not spending any money at all last week” can you give yourself? Well thanks to a new study by Money Management International (MMI), shopaholics may have a brand new excuse up their sleeves. The nonprofit credit counseling agency recently conducted a survey that says your Zodiac sign may influence spending habits. And with tax season in bloom, people expecting refund checks may want to consult the stars before they spend.
Here are the results according to MMI’s survey:
- Aries: People born under this sign expect the smallest refunds and plan to save or pay debts.
- Taurus: Of the people surveyed, only 6 percent of those expecting refunds were born under this sign. (It’s ok, just keep telling yourself you didn’t need the money anyway.)
- Gemini: These people are most likely to intentionally over-withhold the money.
- Cancer: If you’re born under this sign, expect to save — less than 1 percent of big spenders surveyed were Cancers.
- Leo: 20 percent of people who planned to splurge were Leos, meaning that they’ve probably got something on layaway as we speak.
- Virgo: People born under this sign are undecided about what to do with the money.
- Libra: Born under this sign? Expect people to try and borrow money from you, as Libras are expecting the biggest refunds.
- Scorpio: 25 percent of the Scorpios surveyed planned to splurge with their tax refunds.
- Sagittarius: Only 5 percent of people who planned to save their refunds were born under Sagittarius.
- Capricorn: Less than one percent of people who planned to splurge were born under this sign.
- Aquarius: People born under this sign apparently used last year’s check to splurge because 58 percent of surveyed Aquarians planned to use this year’s refund to pay off debts.
- Pisces: Less than 5 percent of Pisces surveyed planned to save their tax refunds.
So remember, the next time someone complains about your spending habits, remind them it’s not your fault that you were born under a Zodiac sign that ‘forces’ you to spend money.