transitional housing

HomeAid Atlanta and its supporters celebrated the completed renovation over several Care Days of Jesus Set the Captive Free’s (JSCF) transitional housing on Dill Avenue in southwest Atlanta on January 26. The celebration included an open house of the renovated area and a rubbon cutting ceremony.

Since the Care Days were combined over several occasions to renovate one area, the venture is called a HomeAid Care Project, which are small-scale renovation projects that save organizations thousands of dollars. The Dill Avenue triplex project was led by Volunteer Builder Captain James MacDowell with Unique Homes & Renovations. The triplex will become a transitional housing facility for formerly incarcerated homeless men as they work to rebuild their lives. Additionally, the building will be a food pantry and clothing closet for JSCF’s other transitional homes.

Thanks to the HomeAid Care Project, JSCF saved more than $13,000 that can now be used toward its mission to empower homeless and previously incarcerated men, including veterans, through education, emotional and faith-based support.

Volunteers from the Mortgage Bankers Association of Georgia (MBAG) and HomeAid’s Stock the House Drive also contributed to the complete renovation of the triplex. Further support came from Advantage Security, Air Conditioning Experts, Alpha Land Services, Bachman Properties, Bill & Debbie Barta, BMC East LLC, Claud Flemming Carpet, Inc., DJ Flooring, Elvir Construction LLC, Garner Plumbing, GreenStar Waste, Dr. Frederick MacDowell, Jr., Lifecycle Building Center, Michael Halron, Melissa McCollum, Northwest Exterminating, PalmerHouse Properties, Peachtree Cabinets, Pestban, Inc., Michael Ray, Team Design, The Housing Group, Inc. and Way’s (Electric) Enterprises.

Learn more about how you can help HomeAid Atlanta build new lives for Atlanta’s homeless population by visiting