When you think July, you’re probably thinking Independence Day, beach vacations and summer fun, but chances are you aren’t thinking about your local parks and recreation areas. However, since 1985, America has made July the nation’s official Park and Recreation Month. This year, Georgia Parks and Recreation encourages you and your family to “get wild” about parks and recreation!
If you’re looking for ways to explore you’re wild side, here are a few ideas:
- Have your own real-world treasure hunt with geocaching! This month, parks across the state are teaming up to bring you even better adventures and great prizes!
- Enjoy a lakeside retreat in South Georgia with camping, kayaking, hiking and more at George L. Smith State Park.
- If waterfalls are more you’re style, explore Tallulah Gorge in beautiful northeast Georgia.
- Enjoy time outside with the entire family at Red Top Mountain State Park’s first Family Camp held the week of July 16 through July 20.
- Have an adventure like never before with a Wild Cave Tour at Cloudland Canyon State Park!
Of course, this is just the start of everything our great state has available. For a complete listing of parks and events, visit the Georgia State Parks website. For more events happening near your real estate in Atlanta, be sure to explore our site.