Recent headlines have called our attention to worried homeowners across the country who are facing foreclosure. Some of these homeowners are fed up, worn down and taking it to the extreme – like the Moscow, Ohio man who bulldozed his home after reaching an impasse with the bank. While headlines report the facts on the actions homeowners take when driven to the extreme, what they don’t report are the repercussions these extremes have.
What happens when you mail the keys to your home back to the bank?
How does it affect your credit score and ability to buy another home when your home goes into foreclosure?
Who is liable for the remainder of the bank note when you bulldoze your home or burn it to the ground?
Hopefully just reading these questions in writing makes you think twice about taking extreme measures. There are places to go for help. One is NAMAR (The Northeast Atlanta Metro Association of Realtors). They launched an entire Web site to answer homeowner questions on foreclosure. Make sure to visit it at before bulldozing your home and throwing your credit away.