
Denim Marketing is excited to announce its selection of marketing seminars for 2018 and 2019. Seminars are focused on marketing and public relations topics including reputation management, social media marketing for business, gauging target audiences and follow-up solutions. Denim understands how difficult it is for companies to stay up-to-date on marketing strategies and tactics while running a business and this lineup of seminars is the solution!

The seminars are geared toward associations, industry and trade groups, chambers, Builder 20 Clubs and other organizations interested in offering high-level educational marketing classes to their members. Of course, companies call also book private seminars for their internal team. Those interested in scheduling a seminar presentation with Denim Marketing may choose from the following:

  • Old School or New School
    • Effective follow-up solutions for all ages
  • Gauging the Generations: Millennials to Boomers
    • Demographics, buying patterns and consumer preferences
  • Social Media Marketing for Your Business
    • A long-term approach to building and maintaining an effective social media marketing strategy
  • Online Reputation Management
    • Proactive solutions and what not to do

To present this collection of courses Denim Marketing President and marketing expert Carol Morgan collaborated with other industry leaders with the goal to help take a business’ sales and marketing strategies to the next level by providing the latest in marketing tactics and social media best practices. Courses are catered to an individual company’s needs, markets or associations to accommodate businesses of all types and sizes.

For complete details regarding each seminar selection, visit www.DenimMarketing.com/category/seminars. To schedule a seminar presentation for your business, contact Denim Marketing at 770-383-3360 or visit www.DenimMarketing.com.