Even though the college football season has been over for quite some time, recent events involving the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) and the NCAA may get fans in Atlanta talking again. A recent article in the Atlanta Business Chronicle reveals that Atlanta may bid for a BCS Bowl in wake of the controversy surrounding the Fiesta Bowl in Glendale, Ariz.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer spoke out on Monday and said that she is putting together a panel of business and sports professionals with the goal of keeping the Glendale bowl game in the BCS. The announcement comes in the wake of allegations that the Fiesta Bowl committee was involved in improper campaign contributions and inappropriate spending by executives, resulting in the firing of CEO John Junker.
Depending on the ruling of the BCS and NCAA, the Fiesta Bowl may be ousted from the national title rotation that includes the Orange, Sugar and Rose bowls. If that happens, several cities could make bids for the open spot including Dallas, Atlanta, Orlando and Tampa.
Needless to say, putting the Chick-fil-A Bowl into the national title rotation could be a huge boost for the city and its football fans. While the Georgia Dome has played host to several big games in the past, holding the championship game at the arena would surpass any college game that’s come before in terms of hype and media attention.
So what do you think sports fans? Would you like to see Atlanta make a bid for the BCS if the Fiesta Bowl is out?
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