Soleil Laurel Canyon residents held their annual Community pot luck Thanksgiving Luncheon earlier this month and 250 residents and staff members attended. Held every November in the community’s clubhouse ballroom, the luncheon is the perfect event to gather the large Soleil Laurel Canyon community of family and friends and give thanks for the year’s many blessings. Soleil Laurel Canyon is a Canton active adult community that offers resort style living.
The community provided some of the meal’s essentials, like turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy and stuffing, as well as the beverages. The resident-comprised Soleil Cooking Club prepared the mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy and assisted with hosting and organizing the event. Soleil Laurel Canyon residents signed up to bring other dishes to share such as traditional and beloved classics and personal, unique favorites, including appetizers, salads, fruit, side dishes, casseroles, vegetables, desserts and more.
In addition to serving as an opportunity to gather together in the spirit of Thanksgiving, the luncheon provided an opportunity for attendees to give back to the local community. Luncheon guests brought donations of non-perishable canned and boxed foods for local charitable, non-profit organizations serving the area’s needy families.
To learn more about Soleil Laurel Canyon in Canton, visit