greater atlanta hba

On today’s All About Real Estate edition of Atlanta Real Estate Forum Radio, Corey Deal, Executive Officer of the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association, joins co-hosts Carol Morgan and Todd Schnick to give a preview of what the Greater Atlanta HBA will be up to in 2018.

The Greater Atlanta HBA has been around since 1945 and is currently the tenth largest home builders association in the United States, serving nine counties and continuing to grow its membership as home builders continue to recover from the recession. As many Atlantans familiar with the home building industry know, the Greater Atlanta HBA serves its members through networking opportunities, educational opportunities and especially opportunities for advocacy.

Deal says one of the HBA’s goals for growing membership in 2018 is primarily to give Atlanta home builders more influence to advocate for policies that will positively influence their work. To accomplish this, the Greater Atlanta HBA is improving its governmental affairs program through the reintroduction of the county chapter system in order to help members be more locally proactive when it comes to governmental policies affecting land development, building rules and more.

“While we exist to advocate for the industry, the majority of our members joined for the networking,” Deal says. “We have to be good at both. We have to create those avenues for networking.” Networking is another benefit of bringing back the seven county chapters under Jim Chapman’s leadership. Another networking endeavor is transforming the Professional Women in Building Council’s Elevate committee into a Young Professionals’ Council. The council will be lead by Greater Atlanta HBA staff member Emily Raymond and chaired by Courtney Rogers of Denim Marketing and will host at least four events throughout the year for young professionals in the home building industry.

In April of 2018, the Greater Atlanta HBA will be reviving the “scattered” parade of homes to get buyers in the area’s model homes. Deal says this is an excellent non-dues revenue generator for the HBA and also an incredible marketing opportunity for builders.

Additionally, to improve advocacy, education and networking opportunities overall, the HBA has hired a full-time membership manager and will focus heavily on a new retention plan and bringing in more members. Deal’s experience as the executive officer of the home builder’s association in Jacksonville, Florida has given him fresh ideas to apply to the Greater Atlanta home building industry.

Learn more about Deal and the Greater Atlanta HBA by visiting or the HBA’s Facebook page.


A special thank you to Jackson EMC for sponsoring Atlanta Real Estate Forum Radio.  Jackson EMC offers homebuyers peace of mind and lower bills with its certified Right Choice™ new home program.  These homes are built to be energy efficient and sustainable with improved indoor air quality, convenience and comfort. 

greater atlanta hba


The Atlanta Real Estate Forum Radio “All About Real Estate” segment, presented by Denim Marketing, airs on Fridays and highlights the movers and shakers in the Atlanta real estate industry – the home builders, developers, Realtors and suppliers working to provide the American dream for Atlantans. For more information on how you can be featured as a guest, contact Denim Marketing at 770-383-3360 or fill out the Atlanta Real Estate Forum contact form. Subscribe to the Atlanta Real Estate Forum Radio podcast on iTunes, and if you like this week’s show, be sure to rate it.