Finally, news publications are reporting positive economic stories. Pick up today’s edition of USA Today and you’ll find at least three articles that will may ease your worries a little. The big housing market news is the rise in home sales last month; in fact, the homes didn’t just rise, they rose 5.1%, which is the biggest jump since 2003! Not only are we finally seeing numbers in the positive, but it’s such a significant jump that we haven’t seen one like it in six years. It’s pretty exciting, and many economists regard it as the first sign that home prices are stabilizing, which also translates to the housing market has bottomed out. I hope all of you that have been waiting to get the “best deal” on a new Atlanta home when the market bottoms out will be shopping for your home this weekend.
Other great news related to the economy – specific industries and states are swelling with jobs. Those looking for jobs in the tough economy should look into health care, education, government, mining or utilities – these are a few of the industries that have add jobs at a healthy rate throughout the recession. And lastly, you are probably already aware, the Dow Jones jumped almost 500 points yesterday, which is the most explosive recovery yet in the market. The jump in the Dow has investors believing that stocks are finally through the rough patch working their way back up.
It’s definitely going to be an instant fix, but it is reassuring to know that things could be at the beginning of a turnaround. We’ll definitely be watching the housing market in the next months to see if we have actually bottomed out or if February was just a fluke – what is your opinion about it?