It’s easy to get caught up in the holiday festivities, and Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without turkey and trimming, but during the seasonal activities it’s also important to keep your home a safe place for family and friends.

Here are some tips to enjoy a safe holiday:

  • It’s tradition to spend hours and hours in the kitchen during Thanksgiving roasting a turkey and concocting the perfect sides. Remember, if you purchase a frozen turkey, you should leave it in its original wrapper and thaw it in the refrigerator for at least one full day. This will reduce dangerous bacteria that can form and take over your kitchen and countertops.
  • It’s also a good idea to do a thorough cleaning of your oven and stove before cooking. Remove any crumbs that could catch on fire in your oven.
  • Many of us use candle decorations throughout the holidays. Remember that candles should never be left burning when you are away from the house or sleeping and should be located where children cannot get to them to reduce the likelihood of a fire.
  • As you set up decorations, don’t overload indoor or outdoor electrical outlets with too many lights, decorations or accessories as this can spark a fire.

If you set up your Christmas tree on Thanksgiving remember to:

  • Make sure to arrange cords from lights around or behind tree so they don’t trip anyone. It’s also a good idea to cover them with a tree blanket if you have pets or small children who could play with them.
  • Situate your tree away from lamps or candles so it won’t catch on fire.
  • Mount your Christmas tree on a sturdy base so it can’t be easily knocked over
  • The holidays are a stressful time for pets, so don’t forget about them. With new and different people coming in and out of the house, it’s a good idea to put the animals in a separate room to relieve their anxiety. Remember to make time to give them attention throughout the day so they do not feel left out though.

If you’re leaving home for Thanksgiving, consider these tips:

  • Have light timers to it will appear someone is home
  • Have your mail and newspaper redirected or collected by a friend
  • Tell neighbors or friends when you will be gone and have them check on your house

Take time to prepare a safe home for the holidays and enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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