The greatest selling point for a new home in Atlanta is the physical appearance. Of course, location, amenities, floorplan and lot size can heavily influence a decision, but if the home is not pretty and aesthetically pleasing, there is no way to sell it. This aspect makes it difficult to appeal to a broad audience because everyone’s taste is different, and you cannot know if someone is looking for a contemporary house or a country cottage. Well, a recent article in Professional Builder magazine has brought it to our attention that Southerners overwhelmingly prefer brick exteriors to any other product. This helps us to stand out from the rest of the nation that tends to favor vinyl or stucco homes. So, if you trying to appeal to the masses, it is a safe bet to showcase a brick exterior. In 2007, 39% of new homes in the South featured brick, which is a drastically higher percentage than the 23% national average. There really isn’t a question as to the appeal of brick exteriors. First off, they make for a beautiful home. Secondly, brick houses help keep you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Also, they are termite resistant and low maintenance. They are solid, safe and will last a lifetime. Brick houses also have exceptional resale value, so it seems that you get the most out of your investment. If you ask me, our “Southern Taste” in homes just proves that we want the absolute best house for our money and is a prime example of the exceptional intelligence in our local home builders and housing market. So, if you were ever curious as to why there are so many brick homes available in the Atlanta real estate market, I hope this post explains it for you.