When building a home, most homebuyers focus on color selections, flooring, finishes and fixtures. All these elements are important for looks and comfort, but it’s what is behind your walls that needs the most attention.
What makes a Right Choice Home so energy efficient are the things you cannot see once the home is built – the details behind the walls that will save you money and make your home more comfortable.
Right Choice homes are planned and inspected several times throughout the building process to guarantee that homes are energy efficient and comfortable. When building your home, the pre-insulation stage is one of the most critical phases of construction. This is the shell of your home and requires the most attention to guarantee the insulation’s quality and effectiveness.
Once you have chosen to build a Right Choice new home, available only from Jackson EMC, you are guaranteed comfort and energy usage of your heating and cooling system. Your builder will focus on all the little details, such as air leaks that often come through construction detains and plumbing penetrations.
Right Choice builders ensure that these openings are sealed with caulk or foam insulation to prevent the hot summer air from coming inside. Right Choice standards also require that the builder seal pipe, wire and ductwork penetrations, preventing loss of conditioned air in the summer.
Sealing the outside walls is like putting a windbreaker on your home to prevent uncontrolled ventilation. A Right Choice home uses the following methods to protect specific areas:
- Caulk the bottom plate to the floor
- Seal all wire penetrations and outside receptacles
- Seal the outside sheathing between all seams
- Caulk and seal areas where two wood pieces join
- Seal around windows
- Sheathing and blocking air from the knee wall and
- Floor insulation above the garage
Visit www.JacksonEMC.com or click here to learn more about the many benefits of purchasing a Right Choice New Home.