Atlanta Real Estate Forum Ranked Number 46 by BlogTopSpots

We pleased to announce that is consistently ranked as one of the nation's top 50 real estate blogs by The blog, launched in fall 2006, was created to disseminate news about Atlanta's real estate industry. This site offers information for industry insiders, as well as those searching for their first home. Topics on the blog range from job[...]

Sprawl Threatens Civil War Sites

A recent article by the Atlanta Journal Constitution states that growth in suburban Atlanta has "all but destroyed" prospects of preserving Civil War battlefields in Cobb County.  Several sites in Cobb County have been named among America's 10 most endangered. Cobb County's 2884 acre Kennesaw Mountain Battefield Park preserves historic earthworks, cannon emplacements and monuments.  The day use park operates from[...]

Atlanta SMC Wins Gold at Nationals

Atlanta Sales & Marketing Council (SMC) won the GOLD award at the Nationals for Best Sales & Marketing Council (250 - 500 members) for the 2005 - 2006 year.  This award, presented by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) during the International Builders Show, honors Sales & Marketing Councils for outstanding organization, programs, education, community involvement, promotion and membership[...]

Flammer Achieves MIRM Designation

Carol M. Flammer, president of Flammer Relations, has achieved the prestigious MIRM designation - Member Institute Residential Marketing - from the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB).  She joins an elite group of 558 marketing professionals in the U.S.  Currently there are only 24 MIRMs in the state of Georgia. This acheivement shows Flammer Relations, Inc.'s dedication and commitment to the housing[...]

Atlanta SMC donates $34,000 to Charity

At its 2006 Holiday luncheon, the Atlanta Sales & Marketing Council (SMC) donated $34,000 to four different charities. The funds, raised through a silent auction held in the fall, were distributed equally in $8,500 checks to Georgia Canines for Independence, CURE Childhood Cancer, Georgia National Guard Foundation and HomeAid Atlanta. Photo: Ramona Nichols with Georgia Canines for Independence receives a check[...]

Atlanta Home Builder Dan O’Dwyer Named HBA Builder of the Year

Atlanta Home Builder Dan O'Dwyer has a personal goal to leave the world a better place.  He was recently recognized for his hard working toward this goal by two nonprofit organizations.  O'Dwyer was named the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association's Builder of the Year for 2006 and HomeAid Atlanta's Builder Captain of the Year. O'Dwyer volunteered as a Builder Captain for[...]