With Christmas around the corner, that also means the new year is quickly creeping upon us. The past two years have shown us what the unknown holds when it comes to a new year and that has definitely changed the outlook for those who create yearly resolutions. Most resolutions are about losing weight or going to the gym, but recently that has changed for some.
According to People, 2021 saw a lot of people ditch the typical resolutions and go for something new. In 2021, 62 percent of people that were asked stated they wanted to save money for the future over going to the gym and 50 percent stated they wanted to learn a new skill with the new year. So, what does that mean for 2022? The trend could continue and we could see more non-typical resolutions being made and kept.
Here are some ideas that we think more people might stick to when deciding their New Year’s resolution:
- Saving money for the future
- Learn a new skill
- Spend more time with family
- Traveling more
- Have a more positive outlook on life
- Get organized
- Create intentions, not resolutions
- Create a healthy mindset
- Experiences over things
- Better work, life balance
Keep in mind though that when picking your resolution, you want to pick the one you know you can accomplish. In 2021, 45 percent of people said they planned on creating checkpoints throughout the year to make sure they were meeting their goals. It’s a great idea to create a game plan to ensure you meet the goals that you set for yourself throughout the year. It’s also important to remember to not set harsh deadlines for resolutions, then you won’t be hard on yourself for not meeting a specific deadline. New Year’s resolutions are supposed to be there to make your year and your life better. Don’t overdo it on something you know you won’t be able to keep up with throughout the year.
A New Year’s resolution is supposed to be a promise to do an act of self-improvement beginning New Year’s Day. Pick something you know you can do every day and accomplish, and use the big resolutions as monthly goals that you want to accomplish.
For those interested in a bigger resolution, a new home may be the perfect fit and Atlanta Real Estate Forum can help you out! Learn a new skill, get organized and spend all the time needed with family in a fabulous new home. For more information about Atlanta’s new homes visit, www.atlantarealestateforum.com.