map of Southeastern United States to show MarketNsight's new service areas

Housing analysis firm MarketNsight recently added six new markets across five states to its service area in the Southeast. Customers across more than 35 cities can now access the latest housing, pricing, product and location data through the Feasibility Matrix® program, exclusive to MarketNsight. Additionally, Atlanta customers can access mortgage data through the firm’s new Mortgage Matrix® program.

As MarketNsight continues to release the latest housing data ahead of its competitors during the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the firm will serve as an indispensable tool to builders, bankers, Realtors, developers and civic leaders in Asheville, North Carolina; Dallas, Texas; Orange Beach, Florida; Sumter, South Carolina; Emerald Coast and Panama City, Florida; Richmond, Virginia; and many other markets.

Using up-to-date data from several reliable sources to ensure information accuracy, the firm’s customers have the ability to maximize resources and plan for success, reassuring them that a potential development will yield a good return on investment and help avoid costly mistakes.

“We are pleased to enter these new markets, particularly our first cities in Virginia and Texas,” MarketNsight Founder and Principal John Hunt said. “We look forward to helping our clients make smart decisions that maximize their investments.”

With more than 30 years of experience in the real estate industry, Hunt is a sought-after speaker for major events including the International Builders’ Show, the Georgia State University Economic Forecasting Conference, the Georgia Bankers Association Conference, the Home Builders Association of South Carolina State Conference and the East Coast Builders Conference. Furthermore, over 400 of the biggest names in Atlanta real estate attend his semi-annual MarketWatch Atlanta events to gain Hunt’s insight on the current market and data-driven housing forecasts.

MarketNsight is focused on helping its customers make smart decisions as it relates to purchasing land and pricing product. Its groundbreaking Feasibility Matrix provides a one-stop-shop for gauging new home community feasibility by providing ranking reports, lot and raw land sales data, regression analysis and mortgage data.

To learn more or to schedule a demonstration, visit

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