HomeAid Atlanta is hosting a Stock The House drive through November 30 benefiting two projects in partnership with Jesus Set the Captive Free (JSCF). JSCF is an Atlanta-based organization that ventures to equip homeless adult males, including veterans, to return to self-sufficiency.
The two HomeAid projects will house fourteen homeless men who have sought care from JSCF. The Dill Avenue project will be completed by the end of November and was led by James MacDowell of Unique Homes & Renovations. The Fairway project, led by Brian Canady of BBC Builders, has been completed, except for the finishing touches that the drive will provide.
The Stock the House drive fills the HomeAid projects with necessary items, including curtains and curtain rods, bed comforters, curtain panels, towels, shower curtains and rods, silverware, coffeemakers, toasters, pots and pans, plates, sheets and pillows. The drive works like a wedding registry and is easy to participate in!
Donations are due November 30. While giving thanks this November, remember to be thankful for your home and give back to those who are homeless.
HomeAid Atlanta was founded in 2001 and asthe official charity of the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association, HomeAid partners with the HBA and its members to build new lives for homeless families and individuals through projects and community outreach. Learn more about giving back at www.HomeAidAtlanta.org.