LED bulbs have been the talk of lighting technology for a few years now. They are far more energy efficient and environmentally friendly and save homeowners money. Simply installing LED lighting throughout your home can reduce your energy bill significantly. On average, LED bulbs use up to 75 percent less energy than other bulbs. Moreover, they last longer so that means not changing light bulbs as often!
Clearly, LED lighting outshines incandescent and compact fluorescent light bulbs, but what truly makes these bulbs worthwhile? The No. 1 reason homeowners and businesses choose LED lighting is due to their energy efficiency. With an energy efficiency of 80 to 90 percent, almost all of the electrical energy used by a source is being converted into light and the remaining percent (10 to 20) is being lost to other forms of energy. Conventional light bulbs are shown to work completely opposite with 80 percent of energy being lost as heat.
Another major advantage of LED lighting comes in the form of light distribution and disbursement. Due to the difference in converting energy into light, LED bulbs are able to direct light to a specific location. If you want direct lighting over your cooking prep area, in or over your bookshelf or even under the cabinets, LED lighting can accurately focus on a precise area. These lights are often controllable and can be dimmed. Taking small steps toward energy-efficient living can add enormous value and comfort to your home.
Lighting your home with LED bulbs means longer bulb lifespan, pinpointed light distribution and, of course, money savings. A few ways to reap all of these benefits are to install outdoor solar lights and switch from incandescent to LED light bulbs. LED lighting can typically save the average homeowner up to $300 a year – check out our lighting calculator for more information.
Energy-efficient living means doing more while consuming less. For more energy-saving tips, check out www.JacksonEMC.com/TyTalks or subscribe to Jackson EMC on YouTube.