The Council Chairperson of the Year award is presented annually to a member of the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association (HBA) in honor of their outstanding leadership at the council level. The award recognizes achievements in the areas of education and membership development within the local council. The 2013 Council Chairperson of the Year is Donna Tyler.
Long-time advocate for economic and social equality Donna Tyler has accomplished what so many only aspire to do. She has brilliantly merged her professional passion for real estate and development with her personal devotion to serve the underserved. This powerful combination has resulted in an extraordinary career that has provided Donna with a platform to make a meaningful impact in the community.
Donna began her career in residential development as construction manager for certified 8(a) minority construction companies in Alabama and Georgia, and as a construction analyst for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Disaster Relief Services. She was responsible for construction administration and management, quality control, and governmental compliance. During her career Donna has held a number of prestigious positions including Vice President of Development for the Historic District Development Corporation, which redeveloped the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historically designated neighborhood, as well as Economic Development Coordinator for the City of Riverdale.
In 2009, Donna joined APD Solutions as the Senior Director of Real Estate Development. In this capacity, Donna provides direction and management over the company’s residential, multi-family and mixed-use development projects. She works closely with public and private entities, as well as real estate and housing professionals to revitalize neighborhoods and increase housing opportunities in communities in 11 states across the United States.
Donna is involved in numerous professional and community organizations including the National Association of Realtors, National Association of Real Estate Brokers and has served as past President of the Board of Directors for A.H.A.N.D. (Atlanta Housing Association of Neighborhood-Based Developers) and past Executive Board member for the Atlanta Chapter of National Association of Women in Construction.
Active in the HBA, Donna was instrumental in the formation of the Atlanta Chapter of Professional Women in Building (PWB) which officially launched in October of 2012. She served on the steering committee, is a charter member, serves as PWB’s first Chairperson and is a member of the HBA Board of Directors.
Under Donna’s leadership, PWB has had a tremendously successful first year. PWB coordinated a Membership Drive with a goal to secure 30 charter members prior to the launch. The drive resulted in an astonishing 70 new members, which earned PWB several accolades including the Membership Recruitment award and Outstanding Membership Recruitment and Retention award, as well over $3,500 in scholarships from the National Association of Home Builders’ PWB Council. PWB holds monthly meetings with record-setting attendance and has sponsored a HomeAid Atlanta Care Day. The HBA was awarded a 2013 GOAL Award by the Home Builders Association of Georgia for formation of the PWB. Currently, the Atlanta Chapter of Professional Women in Building is the largest chapter in the nation with 107 members strong.
Born in Baltimore, Donna holds an undergraduate degree from Anne Arundel College in Computer Science, a Building Technology Certification from the Georgia Technical Institute and an Affordable Housing Certification from NeighborWorks America. The loving mother of two children, Kerwin and Krystal, Donna enjoys reading, traveling and spending quality time with her family and friends.
The HBA is proud to recognize Donna Tyler as the 2013 Council Chairperson of the Year.