edward andrews homes

Atlanta Real Estate Forum Radio: GuildQuality and Dr. Roof

Geoff Graham and Brian Macaluso are this week's guests on Atlanta Real Estate Forum radio. Geoff shares how customer satisfaction surveys can help improve the home buying and building experience for everyone involved, while Brian talks about the eco-friendly changes coming to the roofing industry. Geoff Graham is the CEO of GuildQuality,  the leading provider of customer satisfaction surveying for residential[...]

Atlanta Real Estate Forum Announces October Radio Lineup

Atlanta Real Estate Forum Radio: Coldwell Banker RMR and Academy Mortgage

Bob Lanzner and Gina Spearman are this week’s guests on Atlanta Real Estate Forum Radio. Bob and Gina both share advice for homebuyers who are trying to navigating the current housing market. Bob Lanzner is an associate broker with Coldwell Banker RMR. Coldwell Banker RMR covers all aspects of real estate: new construction, REOs, resales, short sales, leasing, residential and commercial.[...]

Atlanta Real Estate Forum Announces October Radio Lineup

Atlanta Real Estate Forum Radio: Minerva USA and Alicia MacPhee Realty

Stacy Patton and Alicia MacPhee are this week’s guest on Atlanta Real Estate Forum radio. Both talk about a variety of Atlanta properties available to buyers, and about different trends in today’s home buying market. Stacy Patton is the Managing Director of Development with Minerva USA. Stacy Patton shares with our listeners more about the varying types of properties Minerva builds and[...]

Serenbe – The Way Life is Supposed to Be

Thursday, I had the pleasure of taking a bus down with other GAHBA members to tour Serenbe, a lush oasis of greenspace and sustainable  development. There is so much to see and do at Serenbe that this post is a mere glimpse at life in this thriving community near Palmetto. Our tour began with a brief ride past the inn, which[...]

No Changes Coming to Midtown Mile

While some developers of the Midtown Mile recently unveiled a new retail concept for 12th and Midtown that would shift focus away from luxury retail and more toward the needs of average Midtown consumers, other developers have not embraced these suggestions. Selig Enterprises and Daniel Corp., partners on 12th and Midtown, say that development will continue as planned. They envision the[...]

2011-2012 Leadership Announced at Central Atlanta Progress Annual Meeting

Central Atlanta Progress (CAP) formally announced its 2011-12 leadership at the organization’s annual meeting, held earlier this month at Pemberton Place®, in Downtown Atlanta. This year’s Annual Meeting highlighted the organization’s 70th year and illustrated its vision for the future of Downtown Atlanta and the central city. Egbert Perry, Chairman and CEO of the Integral Group, will serve a two year-term[...]

Tunnell-Spangler-Walsh & Associates Projects Honored by Atlanta Regional Commission

Tunnell-Spangler-Walsh & Associates (TSW), an Atlanta-based full-service planning, architecture and landscape architecture firm, is pleased to announce that three of its projects have received awards from the Atlanta Regional Commission. The awards recognized work the firm has done in historic redevelopment, community planning and community revitalization and design, and were announced at the ARC’s November State of the Region Breakfast. White[...]

Extra Insurance May Be Needed for Your Atlanta Home Office

Reflecting the trends of increased telecommuting, a rise in home-based businesses and, let’s face it, more constant surveillance of e-mails and social media, an increasing number of (city) new homes include a home office. If you plan to have a home office, you’ll want to talk with your insurance provider to see if you need extra coverage. “Insuring a Home Office,”[...]

Two Atlanta Powerhouses Join Forces to Create the Interior Partners

Cindi MacPherson and Ashley Norred recently combined more than 30 years of interior design experience to create The Interior Partners. Offering unique design solutions from construction to curtains for residential and professional spaces, The Interior Partners has a diverse design portfolio that includes sales centers, clubhouses, model homes, professional office spaces, and much more. MacPherson has more than 20 years of[...]