HUGE congratulations to Atlanta Sales and Marketing Council for winning a GOLD at Nationals in Las Vegas! Atlanta SMC Board member Kelly Kenton Fink was present at the awards ceremony to accept the honor. This is a huge honor for the council as it is a highly competitive award.
In its 28th year, The NationalsSM pays tribute to superior new-home sales and marketing achievements by individual sales and marketing professionals, homebuilders and associates, and sales and marketing councils.
The competition is presented by the National Sales and Marketing Council (NSMC), a council of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), along with MetLife Home Loans.
Atlanta SMC accomplished many things in 2009 including producing a “Survive and Thrive” membership video to promote membership retention and recruitment. Additionally the council started a Bus tour of communities for agents, hosted a popular technology round table and launched a web site geared toward delivering positive housing news to consumers as well as those in the industry.
Again, a HUGE congratulations to Atlanta SMC for this honor.
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